Solvent prints
We make prints for:

  • matte, glossy, colorless foils
  • foils with point glue (Easy Dot)
  • paper 135g/200g
  • wallpapers
  • canvas
  • films (Backlight Film)
  • rollup SP610 (Steiko BLOCKOUT)
  • banners
  • mesh nets
  • flags
  • blueback billboards



Ads 2D and 3D ads

      • 3D letters

      • spatial logos

      • coffers

      • window displays

      • internal signage

      • external signs

      • vehicle markings

      • information boards


Other offers

  • office
    – business cards
    – leaflets
    – wall calendars
    – briefcases
    – company papers
  • advertising renovation
  • implementation of advertising campaigns
  • projects
    – comprehensive or single elements
  • marking clothes using flex welds
  • www pages

Sending files

The working files, ready for printing, are:

  • TIFF – without additional ALPHA channels, flattened, CMYK color
  • JPG – uncompressed, CMYK color
  • PDF – without layers, flattened, text in curves, CMYK color
  • CDR – versions up to X20, CMYK color
  • EPS – from Corel, while EPS from the Adobe package must have closed nodes and removed double lines!!!
  • Ai – print only, CS3 version only!!! CMYK color
  • PSD – version for CS6, CMYK color
  • correct file signing – example:
    1_folia_white_matt_gloss_laminate_61x68cm_4 pcs

We send files:
We can send files up to 30Mb by e-mail
the preferred form of sending files is – – you can send files up to 2Gb
We do not accept works sent via Google and Microsoft accounts.
sending files via Wetransfer:

In the web browser, select the address: and follow step by step, in the „e-mail to” position, enter our address:

Contact us

Poland , City: Gdynia - Pogórze



Wiejska 18, 81-198 Pogórze , Poland